The National Environmental Agency

The National Environmental Agency is a legal entity under public law operating within the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.
The Agency’s objectives include:
- Establish systems for monitoring of ongoing meteorological, hydrological, geologocal processes and evironmental (ambient air, surface and underground waters, sea, soil) quality status on the territory of Georgia and ensure their proper functioning;
- Process environmental observation data, assess the state of environment and disseminate relevant information;
- Study of physical processes of climate change, participate in elaboration of mitigation and appropriate adaptation measures against possible negative consequences caused by these changes;
Izo Gabitashvili heads the Agency’s Agrometeorology Department, which provides both short-term and long-term agrometeorological forecasts to help farmers minimize weather-related risks. Based on years of experience in the field, he observes that unstable climate conditions and recurring spring frosts have become an annual challenge, significantly reducing farmers’ yields.
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